Essential XR Applications

Veyond Connect features two key XR applications designed to enhance surgical procedures and anatomical learning.

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Veyond Surgical XR
Veyond Surgical XR leverages advanced XR technology to provide live, immersive surgical training. This application enables real-time teaching and learning of surgical procedures, offering a highly realistic and engaging experience.


Veyond Anatomy XR offers a seamless blend of reality and virtuality, providing users with immersive and intuitive anatomical learning experiences. Leveraging cutting-edge XR technology, this app revolutionizes the way users engage with anatomy education.

Real-time Guidance and Learning:
  • Medical teams utilize XR to observe and support surgeries in real-time.
  • XR technology provides a realistic simulation of anatomical structures and functions.
AR Overlays for Guidance: With augmented reality overlays, technicians can receive step-by-step guidance during complex maintenance tasks, reducing downtime, and minimizing errors.
Immersive VR Training: Through VR, the platform provides a realistic, risk-free environment for product training, resulting in better retention and understanding of the product's functionality.

Use Cases

Enhancing Surgical Collaboration for Medical Teams:

  • Medical teams utilize XR to observe and support surgeries in real-time.
  • XR technology provides a realistic simulation of anatomical structures and functions.

Healthcare Training:

  • Healthcare professionals can enhance their skills and knowledge through interactive training scenarios.
  • Real patient case studies offer practical experience in diagnosing and treating medical conditions.

Patient Education:

  • Healthcare professionals can enhance their skills and knowledge through interactive training scenarios.
  • Real patient case studies offer practical experience in diagnosing and treating medical conditions.